Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2010

There is no sea monster

Or ghosts, or vampires, or brain eating zombies. Why do people still believe in mythical creatures in this day and age? Many of humanity's advances have killed off the lore, yet some people are still suckered by it. Take for example, the hobgoblins and spriggans who lived in the Black Forest region of Europe. There's been reported sightings for over a thousand years, but when two world wars broke out, they were nowhere to be seen and accounted for zero casualties during both wars. They did not put up any fight when the area became urbanized either, so only a complete moron would still believe they exist. The sad part is, some still do.

It's therefore my conclusion that dumb people like being lied to, and that superstition only exists as a business to bilk these suckers out of their money. People like bragging about living next to a haunted lake, forest, or mine, and the more enterprising residents sell T-shirts, a night's stay, and other sorts of crap only dumb tourists would buy. In many ways, this is how much of the world's religions operate too. There's no medical basis for faith healing, which is all a load of crap. Asprin works when there's a headaches and pains. It does not say 'Results will vary depending on your faith' on the label. Lay on hands will never cure AIDS for everyone. Carving some fancy geometric circle will not allow you to talk to demons, and you should consider if the Almighty God is really Almighty if he wants 10% of your income. Things that die stay dead. Unless you are in the business to cheat people out of their money, grow up already and stop believing in nonsense.


Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

Stake your nebulous copyright claim in this post!

Lower left-hand corner.

Oh really

well in that case

Please note that "Blue-Haired Anime Girl" concept is (c) me.
you are NOT allowed to create a "Blue-Haired Anime Girl" of your own.

Please note that "Ghetto-tastic Chicken Car" concept is (c) me.
you are NOT allowed to create a "Ghetto-tastic Chicken Car" of your own.

Please note that "Bunnies Helping With Laundry" concept is (c) me.
you are NOT allowed to have a "Bunnies Helping With Laundry" of your own.

The sky's the limit, folks!

Cheat to win

Jetzt pass mal auf, nur weil ich mich nicht auf deinem Niveau herablasse, um die Zuneigung einer gewissen Person, die mir eigentlich "nichts bedeuted", zu 'gewinnen', mag es dir vielleicht den Grundstein geben, dich für etwas besseres zu fühlen, in deinen Augen, aber das ist noch lange kein Grund, dich für etwas aufzuführen, in menschlicher Sicht. Aber ich weiß, dass du so etwas nötig hast, liegt ja in deiner Natur.
Cheat to win
ist dein Motto, hm? Mogel du dich ruhig durch das Leben, meinetwegen. Aber ich werde dich nicht weiterhin unterstützen.
An deiner Stelle würde ich mein Mundwerk nicht so weit aufreißen, sonst stolpert man nicht mehr sondern stürtzt fatal auf deine Fehlerchen. :-)

Diese Tirade hätte schon früher einer Person gewidmet werden sollen.

Randbemerkung: endlose Haupt- und Nebensätze, Durchblick? Immer.

Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

That Sounds Silly...

... learn some English. This time around, I'm putting a spin on things. Instead of going after the uneducated hics, I'm flaming the English language instead. People who insist English is the perfect language obviously miss the glaring flaws the language has, and they don't notice that it happens to be a poorly assembled patchwork project we just happen to use in order to communicate. For example, look at read. It can be pronounced as both 'read' and 'red', and it's used interchangeably.

Here's another inconsistency: comb, bomb, and womb begin with one different letter, and none of the words rhyme. Furthermore, all three words have a silent b, but bomb begins with a b, which does get pronounced, while the b at the end is silent. How the hell is a noob supposed to know the difference? What kind of sadistic jerk puts a silent b into words that don't need a silent b? I can tell you who: the same jackass who puts a hidden coin block at the very crest of an important chasm jump that sends you cursing to your death.

So, since we know the last letter for some words are not safe to pronounce, the first letter must be safe, right? Haha, no. Say hello to pneumonia, psychiatry, and knock. Remember bomb? The exact opposite rule applies for knock. Now the first k is silent, and the last k isn't. The coin block just moved and now you are down two lives and ready to throw your controller at the TV. But wait, there's more. While we are here, let's talk about know. It begins with a silent k, and ends with a silent w. So, you can't pronounce it as kuh-now, kuh-no, or now. It's pronounced as no. But know can't be spelled as no, because no already means no.

Finally, silent letters can also appear anywhere in between a word too. Debt has a silent b, and drought has the g AND the h silent. And don't even get me started on why arch and architect are pronounced in different ways. The bottom line is this: English sounds silly. It's far from perfect, and it just happens to be convenient for you because you happen to speak it. Give Juan from the taco truck a break just because he didn't have several years of grade school to figure this whole mess out. What I wrote is the truth, and it sounds completely absurd. Now you know why some people don't give a wholehearted effort to learn the language.